Digital Nomad jokes

Digital Nomad Jokes

Funny digital nomad and work from home jokes. One liner digital nomad jokes and more to share with your friends.

30 Funny Digital Nomad & Work From Home Jokes

Digital Nomad Jokes

See some favorite digital nomad one liner jokes and ironies. #nomad puns

1. Why did the digital nomad break up with their laptop?

Because it couldn’t handle a long-distance relationship!

2. How many digital nomads does it take to change a light bulb?

None, they just find a café with better lighting.

3. Why did the digital nomad bring a ladder to the coworking space?

Because they heard it was a high-demand job market!

4. What’s a digital nomad’s favorite game?

Hide and work remotely!

5. Why did the digital nomad get kicked out of the library?

They refused to be tied down to a “permanent address” for a library card!

6. We are digital nomads, we escaped the 9-5, but now work from 9pm to 5 am”

7. I love work from home, but then pay a monthly fee to work from an office #coworking

8. We are digital nomads, we think we know more, so try and explain local politics to locals.

9. We think $6 for a meal is cheap, when locals earn $200 a month.

10. I’m a digital nomad, the world is in my hands, but no one is ther to hold my hand. :’)

11. Why did the digital nomad become a chef?

Because they mastered the art of cooking in hostels with only a hot plate!

12. What’s a digital nomad’s favorite workout?

Lifting their backpack after packing and unpacking for the nth time.

13. Why do digital nomads make great detectives?

They excel at tracking down Wi-Fi signals and uncovering hidden coffee shops.

14. How does a digital nomad apologize?

“I’m sorry if my signal was weak when you needed me.”

15. What’s a digital nomad’s favorite movie?

“The Terminal” because it’s about someone who lives in an airport, and they can totally relate.

16. Why don’t digital nomads play hide and seek?

Because good luck hiding when your Instagram location is always on!

17. Why did the digital nomad start a gardening blog?

Because they wanted to grow their own remote work!

18. How many digital nomads does it take to change a tire?

None, they just call an Uber and work on their laptop while waiting.

19. What’s a digital nomad’s favorite type of humor?

Punny-remote jokes!

20. Why did the digital nomad bring a ladder to the beach?

They heard the job market was booming, and they wanted to climb the corporate sandcastle!

See some favorite work from home jokes to share with your friends. #wfh puns

Work From Home Jokes

See some favorite work from home jokes to share with your friends. #wfh puns

1. Why did the scarecrow get a job working from home?

Because he was outstanding in his field!

2. I asked my boss if I could work from home because of illness.

He said yes, as long as I don’t infect the Wi-Fi.

3. My favorite part of working from home is the commute.

I get to walk from my bed to my desk in 10 seconds flat!

4. Working from home is like a never-ending episode of a show you never really liked, but you can’t stop watching.

5. Why did the work-from-home employee bring a ladder to the meeting?

They heard it was a high-level discussion!

6. My daily exercise routine consists of running out of excuses for not working.

7. What’s a work-from-home employee’s favorite type of music? Zoom-ba!

8. Why did the remote worker get a promotion?

They knew how to rise to the occasion, even when their chair didn’t.

9. My houseplant is thriving because it’s finally getting the constant attention it deserves during work hours.

10. I told my wife she should embrace my work-from-home style.

She gave me a bathrobe for my birthday.

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Justin Gonzalez

Travel Blogger / Digital Nomad

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Manila, PH

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